Richard Joyner
Tolleson Wealth Management
Richard Joyner is President of Tolleson Wealth Management. He oversees key strategic, marketing and policy determinations for the company and its lines of business. Richard also serves on the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Trust Committee and Investment Committee. He is also President and CEO of Tolleson Wealth Management’s Private Wealth Management Group, where he is active in setting the vision and strategy for Tolleson Private Wealth Management.
Richard works with multi-generational families to address the complex issues of successful wealth transfer. His expertise encompasses such diverse areas as complex income and estate tax planning; family dynamics and education; and investment management. He facilitates numerous family meetings for clients each year, and speaks regularly to families that want to overcome the old adage of “shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves” in three generations.
Over the years, Richard has received a number of professional awards, including recognition by Worth Magazine as one of its Top Financial Advisers and by Barron’s Magazine as one of the Top 100 Independent Financial Advisors in the U.S.
He served nine years on the Board of Directors of the Investments & Wealth Institute (IWI), including two years as its President (2002-2003). He has served on IWI’s wealth management committee for more than 10 years and teaches in the Certified Private Wealth Advisor (CPWA) program offered by IWI. He currently serves as Chair of the Board of Directors for Cristo Rey School College Prep High School of Dallas.
Richard earned a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Wake Forest University. In addition to being a Certified Public Accountant,* he is a Personal Financial Specialist, Certified Investment Management Analyst, Certified Private Wealth Advisor and a Certified Financial Planner™ practitioner.
Concurrent Workshop: Family Business Basics – Speaker
For first-time Transitions attendees and others who wish to brush up on key family business terms and practices. The session will offer tips on how to get the most out of the conference experience.
Peer Group #2: Succession Planning & Issues Thursday Session – Speaker
Closed session – preregistered attendees only! Succession Planning & Issues Thursday Session