Chad Goodfellow
4th generation shareholder and Chief Executive Officer
Goodfellow Bros. LLC.
Born in 1980 and raised in Maui, Hawaii, Chad is currently a 4th generation shareholder of Goodfellow Bros. LLC. The company was started by his great grandfather, James Goodfellow, in 1921. Chad serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Goodfellow Bros. which currently has approximately 1,200 employees spread throughout the company’s offices: Seattle, Portland, Northern California, and all the Hawaiian Islands. Company’s resume includes: airports, bridges, golf courses, harbors, highways, housing developments, marinas, wastewater treatment facilities as well as a host of environmental projects, from solar farms to wildlife habitat protection.
Chad began his career in the field as a parts runner and later joined the Laborers’ Union Local 368 working as a laborer on various projects. After graduating from University of San Diego with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Chad returned to Maui as an engineer – eventually managing two concurrent Mokulele Highway widening projects. These were the largest projects for the company at the time and later won an Award of Excellence at the General Contractors Association of Hawaii, Build Hawaii Award competition.
He is a member with many professional organizations from contractors’ associations to peer groups such as YPO Hawaii and Hawaii Business Roundtable. Chad loves spending time with his wife, Shay, and two sons, Max and Samson; golfing occasionally and traveling often between the company’s various regions.
Family Dynamics and Conflict: Navigating the Differing Points of View – Speaker
Discussion and Interactive Working Session
Over the past five years, many business families found themselves divided over politics, vaccines and mask mandates, in addition to the “normal” conflicts a family business faces. Some were able to overcome such differences and continue as an effective shareholder group and a loving extended family. What was the secret of their success, and how will they interact in the future?
After the discussion, participants will have the opportunity to work on a brief conflict resolution exercise to learn approaches that have been proven to work in most situations.