Cady Zildjian
Vice Chair, Board of Directors
Avedis Zildjian Company
Cady is the daughter of Debbie Zildjian and the granddaughter of Armand Zildjian. She is the oldest of the 15th generation of Zildjian shareholders.
After graduating from Colgate University in 2002, Cady worked as Senior Account Manager at SmartPak, a fast-growing supplier of supplements and accessories for animals. Five years later, she joined the family business as Manager of Z Gear, the Zildjian line of apparel and accessories.
After earning an MBA from Babson College, Cady was appointed to the Board of Directors. Cady now heads the Nominating Committee and serves on both the Audit and Compensation Committee. She Vice Chairs the Board with her Aunt, Craigie Zildjian