Agatha Johnson
President and Founder
Coming from a place of heart, as a third- generation family business member and previous General Partner of her family’s partnership, Aggie experienced many challenges and opportunities working with her family. Additionally, for over 30 years, Aggie has been working in the wealth management, family office and multi-generational family transitions services putting to work her multi-disciplined approach to serving generational families. Balancing the competing needs of all is a challenge and opportunity that her and her team work diligently on for their families. As founder and owner of WillKate, a Family Enterprise Office, Aggie has experienced many times over the importance of understanding the intersecting systems of Family, Business and Wealth as the key to having the holistic approach that is needed for the families to thrive for many more generations.
Website: will-kate.com/
Breakout # 3: Re-imagining Family Governance: How to Evolve in Order to Thrive in a Post-Pandemic World – Speaker
Re-imagining Family Governance. Over the last 18 months, all of us have experienced a crash course in adapting to survive in a time where many factors were out of our control. As we look ahead to 2022 and beyond, family enterprises have the opportunity to re-imagine why and how they do business. In this engaging session, you’ll learn:
Which family governance structures have succeeded during COVID and how they’ve functioned to help the enterprise during uncertainty
- How to empower others in the enterprise to help solve issues.
- What you can do to re-engage the culture and shift to a new way of doing business
With a focus on intentionality and purpose, Aggie will share constructive ways to move forward from where you are today to create a sustainable family enterprise in a post-pandemic world.